Sunday, November 13, 2011

Crappy thinking /crappy life

A brand new design. Finished it yesterday.


I'm sure you've heard about the power of your thoughts. There's lots of books and information about it. But do you believe it's true? I sure do. Not at first, though. It's taken years of practicing it to make a believer out of me, but I know now my happiness is a direct result of my attitude. It's not easy to be positive when life hands you a challenge unless you learn to trust the experiences life brings you, has a deeper purpose. Perhaps it has something valuable to teach you. I see life as a series of lessons to help us evolve as spiritual beings. Can you embrace the thought that your life is perfect just as it is, but if you aren't happy, it may be a result of  your thinking? Give it a try. Watch the magic happen.


I captured a special moment.


"I release all negative thinking"