Thursday, July 12, 2012

Postive affirmations

The only thing that ever limits us is our thinking...

 Our thoughts are so precious. Every thought we think is creating our future...

Each thought is precious... Our power lies in the thoughts that we choose to think today.

We can think happy thoughts. We can think positive thoughts. We can say, “Yes, I can do it!”

We can greet the day with a smile. We can let the world know that we’re happy to be alive.

We can express gratitude at every turn. We can love our bodies.

We can be our best friend...

Our reward is that we get to watch day by day as our lives turn into the most joyous, loving,
 healthy, prosperous, fabulous experiences...

Trust life to hear and respond to your positive words. Say these affirmations every day and your whole world will change...

Louise L. Hay


All that you accomplish or fail
to accomplish with your life
is the direct result of your thoughts.

James Allen


"I release all of my old negative thinking"