Monday, October 15, 2012

Saying "no"

Does your life feel really heavy? Have you lost the happy skip in your heart?
Are you over-committed...weighed down with responsibilities...stooped over 
with the heavy weight of doing? What are you getting out of this? Do you
feel stuck? Well, you aren't. But you're the only one who can turn this around.

The first word you have to learn is "no". Is it hard to tell others no? If so, why
 is that? Afraid of hurting someone else? Do you have a strong impulse to be liked? 
Or is the busyness a way to disconnect from some inner pain you're trying to ignore?
Until you can get honest with yourself about your motives, nothing will change.
 Know that there is an wonderful exciting world out there waiting to be discovered.
Don't settle for living in a box. Free yourself... Let go of your need to be needed. The
 price you pay is too high. You have a choice, so choose wisely the life you want.
 Our dependency makes slaves out of us,
especially if this dependency is a dependency of our self-esteem.
 If you need encouragement, praise, pats on the back from everybody,
 then you make everybody your judge.

Frits Perls


"I am free to enjoy life's blessings"