Saturday, March 2, 2013

Healing our wounds

We all have unhealed wounds from the past.
These wounds get triggered over and over.
Ever have someone say or do something to you...
and in the following moment,
you feel 2 inches tall,
your self-worth plummeting to a dark place.
Unhealed wounds trigger feelings...
of shame and low self-esteem.
Until you heal these wounds,
they will rob you of the life you could have.
No matter how hard you may try to ignore ...
 or deny that you don't feel okay inside,
the uncomfortable feelings never leave. 
The truth is this:
we were all wounded in some way or another.
Because of these wounds,
we over-eat, do retail therapy, use harmful chemicals, 
choose relationships that harm us, seek validation from others,
abuse ourselves, feel angry or victimized often... 
We have the choice to carry these wounds to our grave...
 or to dig for the courage to face them.
When they are healed,
we come to know a new freedom...
a life of peace, contentment and joy from within.
To hold it in is to freeze the pain within us.
John Bradshaw

"I am free of the past"