Saturday, October 31, 2015

Finding our own goodness

You are such a beautiful person,
but sometimes we are blind to our own goodness.
Perhaps to find the essence of who you are,
you must be willing to meet yourself 
in ways you never have before.

By virtue of an honest self-examination,
you can find your way back to truth.
The softer your eyes and heart,
the more the old ideas about yourself
will be pushed into the background
until they no longer belong to you.

Each new discovery will offer seeds  
of truth, compassion, 
confidence, and self-acceptance.
Some days the seeds may be tiny
so look carefully for them,
for they are going to help you grow
 into your wonderfulness.

And at the end of your journey, 
you will know what I have known all along. 
That there is no one more special than you.