Spiritual Questions and Answers

The questions are from a book (Infinite Wisdom) that my friend and I are currently working on. She asks great questions and welcome the opportunity to use my intuition  to answer them...

Q: What do you do when there is conflict between your mind and your gut?

A: Alway, always, always listen to your gut. Ego will attempt to mislead you in order to stay in control and no matter how tempting it is, don't push back at ego or you will only strengthen it. Surrender it instead!

Q: How do we obtain freedom from our mind?

A: We obtain freedom by letting of our attachment to it. We surrender the crazy mind while praying for healing. There is no other way. Fighting against the ego/mind is futile. The more you try to resist it, the more you strengthen it.

Q: How do you find truth and God in the midst of your deepest fear? 

A: God is always present and so is truth. Once we know truth, even if we're afraid, we just remind ourselves to breathe, look deeper and trust our gut/intuition. 

Q: How do we hang onto truth when ego/mind does everything it can to make you doubt it?

A: Ego is clever. It will continuously try to pull you into the story of fear and pain. Once we understand that the ego voice is an imposter, we can begin to put some separation between the two.

Q: Which do we fear more, love or abandonment?

A: I can't say which is more but I can tell you that they both are connected to each other. We want to be loved so badly but we are terrified of being abandoned.

Q: What does true freedom mean and how do we obtain it?

A: Freedom is letting go of all that is not of God. In other words, coming to understand that most of our thoughts are delusional and being willing to surrender them. 

Q: Why are our beliefs so hard to let go of when they cause us so much pain?

A: Because they are so deeply ingrained but little by little we can shift our thoughts in a healthier direction. We have the power to change our thoughts.

Q: What is the purpose of our ego on the spiritual path?

A: Interesting question. I don't have a sense of what it's purpose is except that we may not be able to function without one until we are ready to begin to let go of this mind-made structure that we have mistakenly identified as who we are.

Q: How do we tell the difference between what feeds our soul and what feeds our ego?

A: What feeds the soul is simplicity, peacefulness and passion. The ego feeds on worry, problems, negative thoughts and an exaggerated sense of self.

Q: Is everyone codependent?

A: I would say yes, to some degree or another. It's the human conditioning.

Q: Is everyone addicted to creating problems in their minds?

A: I don't know about everyone but I can tell you that ego is. It searches continually.

Q: Where does pure love come from and how do we obtain it?

A: It comes from a place where your heart and soul meet. We obtain it by cleaning out all the unloving places within ourselves that block it.

Q: How do we learn to unblock our hearts and trust again?

A: Baby steps... Taking risks with people who are safe. Trusting yourself to make healthy choices. 

Q: Can fear and anxiety ever completely go away?

A: Since I'm not there yet, I don't know but when I get to the other side, I will let you know.

Q: How do we not engage when the mind is trying to pull us into its web of stories?

A: Do your best to bring yourself back to the moment using your breath or try dropping the thought rather than resisting it. 

Q: Can we heal cycles in our family line so they won't be carried into future generations?

A: I believe that our healing work benefits future generations, not just within our own family but for the other lives we touch too.