Thursday, January 12, 2017

Having the faith to know...

When we align ourselves with what God wants for us and others, there will be nothing to pray for... We often pray for things to go the way we think they should... We pray for someone that is ill instead of trusting the wisdom of all things... Illness is often the teacher that moves us closer to God and softens our rough edges... That was my experience!  I knew that having FMS was purely God was handing me lessons that would become gifts one day... Hard as it was, I trusted His wisdom... Behind our prayers, is a lack of faith... Let's address the fear instead of asking God to move it aside... There is a natural order to all things that happen in life... Our job is to trust it, soothe our fears, and keep our will out of God's plans...

A guided meditation created just for you 
and your beautiful, authentic self...