Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Lost in my mind

My first walk on the beach this year. The weather was beautiful. I don't often take my camera to the beach, but this time I did.


Every now and then I take a stab at writing prose/poetry. I'm still in training pants, but I need to take risks and share my creative adventures....I don't have to be perfect. After my beach walk yesterday, I went home and wrote this one.

Lost in my Mind

I stepped away from my heart
Traveling further into my mind   
Although there’s only inches between
The journey takes me far away

I’ve wandered off the path again
 Losing myself to my thoughts
Replaying the old stories
And making up new ones

My mind looks for gratification
 Seeking happiness outwardly
I look for myself in others
Forgetting who I really am

The journey back is not an easy one
So I must be still
Pray, breathe, trust…

Unless you start doing something different,

you are in for more of the same.

 Author Unknown


"To grow, I will take new risks every day"