Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Faith and courage

Being brave doesn't mean you'll never be afraid.
Fear is a normal response to danger.

But it turns into anxiety if we give it too much power. 
Don't let fear grow bigger than your faith.

Fear is a lack of trust in ourselves, and because of this, we don’t trust Life. We don’t trust that we’re being taken care of on a higher level, so we feel we must control everything...

Trust is what we learn when we want to overcome our fears. It’s called “taking a leap of faith”...

The more you love yourself and trust Life, the more that Life will love you, support you, and guide you...

At any moment you have the opportunity of choosing love or fear. In moments of fear, I remember the sun. It’s always shining even though clouds may obscure it for a while... When the fears come, choose to see them as passing clouds in the sky...

written by Louise L. Hay

"Life is on my side"