Tuesday, June 2, 2015

In the midst of sorrow...

I have experienced a lot of loss in my life.
Each loss changed me as a person in unexpected ways.
Death gifted me with more depth, wisdom, and heart...

It also forced me to slow down and seek quiet. 
From a place of stillness, I began to notice how intrusive
the busyness of the world felt...

Though my heart broke in ways I can't describe,
I saw how pain softened the edges around my heart

and added fuel to my passion for helping others.

And it was in the wake of grief, I moved closer to God.
God soothed me in ways that no human being could.
Today it's still my greatest source of comfort...

When I look back at how drastically life has changed
in the past 20 years, it's still surprises me.
I've come to realize that the choices I made in the past 
were based on fear and old childhood conditioning.
Though I dislike pain as much as the next person, pain has been
the vehicle that has brought me to a richer, more authentic place.
For that, I am truly grateful...
