Sunday, December 21, 2014

A good day for change


As a young girl, I wanted to be popular but I was too shy and insecure to have the spotlight on me. As an adult, I hung unto an unrealistic teenage desire for people to like me, to be the favorite, to be popular. Though I've had moderate success with popularity, it's come with a price tag. My dignity!
It's really only been in the last few years that I'm able to stay solid and intact if others don't like or agree with me. Though I've walked through some pretty tough lessons to get here, it's been worth it all. I feel excited to be on the fringe of new-found freedom. The joy of stepping out suppression brings me to my knees again and again, weeping with pure gratitude
Shame has been the culprit behind my compulsion to please others.  Without doing my shame work, I'd still be hustling for approval. I encourage each of you to dig for the strength to thoroughly examine your life. Do an honest inventory. Be brave and truthful. Let's together, dust the skeletons in your closet. You are not alone. It's a great day for change and growth...