Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Lasting peace

If there was a way to X-ray your insides on an emotional level, I'm certain you would be shocked to see how much old pain you're lugging around. The only way you've managed this level of pain is to disconnect from the pain and from yourself, therefore, becoming numb. But please understand that the burdens of the past are very heavy and your unresolved pain will bleed into every situation and every relationship. Pain is a stalker! It is relentless when it comes to stealing our joy and freedom...

 To heal, you have to face the things you've buried. It's not comfortable, but there is nothing worse than being numb and disconnected. If you're numb, how will God become more than a concept? How will you find lasting peace when you're insides are hurting? How will you have healthy relationships with others instead of co-dependent ones? 

It comes back to this truth: the real journey is inward. If you avoid it, you are forced to live in survival. If you live in survival, you will settle for less than God has planned for you. You will be someone you're not. You will seek out ways to mask your pain. You will not become all that you can be nor do all that you can do. There is the potential for Greatness in all of us, but you will not find yours until you find yourself...
