Tuesday, December 31, 2019

A new way of life

There's a beautiful path; one that leads to your soul. 
But you may have to travel the difficult path first. 
Pain is often the catalyst that shatters our ego/self-will. 
It is only when self-will has dissolved that the path can be found...

Sunday, December 29, 2019


We all have "off" days. Days where we feel emptied out, frustrated, confused, lost... 
These are the times when we dig for more strength, courage, and lean on God more. 
There is a purpose in all. We may not understand what the purpose is at the moment, 
but have patience and the mystery/truth will reveal itself...

Trusting God

Control is a coping mechanism that we use when we are afraid of not getting our needs met. But the more we use control as a way to feel safe, the more insecure we become. In surrendering control, we find the places in ourselves which need love and healing...

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Heart wide open

An awakened heart knows it's purpose 
and isn't afraid to give or receive love... 

Practicing love

When we judge, blame or practice a belief system that subscribes to guilt and punishment, our hearts are forced to live on a battleground. In taking responsibility for our part in things and no longer seeing ourselves as victims, in forgiving ourselves and others, and by practicing compassion, our hearts flourish and we put an end to the idea of separation...

Friday, December 27, 2019

Loving the world as ourselves

Love is not about choosing who we give our affections to. 
It's about living with an open heart; a heart free of judgement. 
Often the hardest people to love are our greatest teachers...

Making changes

There comes a time, especially for women who have had the responsibility of managing a lot of movings parts, that things begin to unravel… This is called GRACE… 
Women have the tendency to be prideful when it comes to how much they can juggle. However, there is a price to pay when we lose sight of our emotional and physical needs, our dreams, our desires, our ability to have a kind, loving relationship with ourselves... We get caught up in the busyness rather than finding quiet time to reflect, connect, and rejuvenate... 
If things appear to be unraveling in your life, perhaps it’s a blessing in disguise… A time for change... A time for clarity and answers... A time to look inward...

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Feeling worthy of love

When we're afraid of being alone, we make poor choices in our relationships. 
We may choose people who don't love well and abandon or abuse us. 
Know that you deserve the world. Don't settle. Raise the bar high 
when it comes to love...

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Love is the journey home

We may have lost our ability to trust in childhood, which then created a lifetime of listening to what our mind says is true (which is mostly lies), our heart (which can make poor choices if we feel underserving of love) and our gut which we were taught at an early age not to listen to.  At some point though, if we are really fortunate, we will begin to regain trust in others, ourselves, and life. We learn how to build bridges, not walls. 

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Letting go of shame

Push negative beliefs about yourself so far away 
that they no longer belong to you...

Living more authentically

At a young age, I learned to put a smile on my pain and swallow my feelings. There came a time though, when I could no longer live as I had.  The pain and emptiness I felt inside brought me to my knees. The moment I surrendered myself was the beginning of my journey home...

Monday, December 23, 2019

Dearest Beloved

If you feel let down by this past year, 
know that everything has been in preparation for something
 remarkably wonderful that has yet to happen. 
Nothing was in vain. You are stronger, wiser, braver 
and more beautiful than you know... 

Cleaning out the past

At our deepest core (below our wounds) is a place of peace.

Letting go of old habits

It is in dying to our old ways that we come ashore 
to taste the joy of new freedom... 

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Moving forward

We all get life lessons. If we ignore them, they continue to reappear. Some people think they have bad luck, but that's not really true. What they see as bad luck is actually the lesson they've been ignoring, popping up again. Remember that lessons are gifts meant to enrich our lives by teaching us things such as forgiveness (especially for ourselves), making better choices, learning to love ourselves so we can love others more purely...

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Feeling blessed

I'm grateful for the women who share my life and whom I admire because they're not afraid to tell their stories, show their flaws, or be vulnerable. The best medicine for me is laughter, tears, and lots of hugs...

Friday, December 20, 2019


As women, we tend to put more focus on others than taking care of ourselves. We do it for various reasons: our upbringing, what society expects of us, and because we are nurturers... But we do it for other reasons too: issues with unworthiness, a deterrent from looking at things we don't want to deal with, and an attempt to feel secure by being needed... In other words, we hustle for love and approval... To turn it around, we must first learn to love ourselves (at least a little bit)...

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Heart wide open

Let love seep into everything you do...

Matters of the heart

For over 45 years, I've worked in various fields: addiction, mental health, special needs, and shelter homes for women in abusive relationships... For the last twenty, I've been teaching women how to do healing work... I started this blog in 2011 as another way to reach out... It has been a source of joy for me and a great honor... 

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

A taste of freedom

To gain the world, you must give up
everything you are holding tightly to.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Soulful wishes

A seeker will not rest until their answers align 
with what their soul knows to be true...

An open mind

Sometimes truth isn't pretty nor easy to accept, 
but a happy learner is someone who knows that truth 
is always their friend... 

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Looking upward

Empty your mind of stories about the past or the future. 
Don't see your lessons as problems but as blessings. 
Rely on God instead of letting fear run the show...

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Spiritual growth

Sometimes we have to lend ourselves to the darkness 
to find truth and gain wisdom...


Pain awakens parts of us that are asleep...

Friday, October 25, 2019

Lasting contentment

Fleeting moments of happiness will never compare to the joy of nothingness


Empty yourself of the things you hold on to for your sense of self.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Color your world with self-love, truth, and compassion.

Self-love will overflow unto others. 
Truth will be your faith fulfilled guide. 
Compassion will teach you about forgiveness...

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Trusting life's wisdom

Sometimes the worst things that happen 
turn out to be the best things...

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Wednesday, September 18, 2019


Courage is seeing your life lesson as flawless 
even when your world has been turned inside out...

Listen to your intuition

Don't cling to illusions for safety. 
It is only your mind tricking you 
into believing things that aren't true.

Loving what is

Life is about love, truth, gratitude, accepting the things we can't change, 
and surrendering to life's many mysteries...