Friday, January 31, 2020

Free of fear

When you are no longer afraid, 
the world becomes your friend...

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Cup runneth over

When you do things with your whole heart, you will not only be successful, 
but there will be a flow of energy running through you that will never empty out...

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Finding the gifts

Don't judge the world by the color of your days.
Instead look for the gifts that are hidden behind the fabric of pain...

Play time

A light hearted day with the little rascals...

Monday, January 27, 2020

A new view of the world

We see the world through a filter called "the past". As we heal the experiences 
that were difficult, frightening, hurtful... our view begins to change. 
Without the past, we find life to be beautiful, mysterious, safe, supportive, 
adventurous, loving, kind...

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Seeing your beauty

You were born to shine, but the source of your light is self-love.
To find your glow, eliminate perfectionism, self-criticism...

Saturday, January 25, 2020

A giving heart

When our hearts are filled with God,
all that flows from it is goodness...

Friday, January 24, 2020

Shine away

Why prove our worth when we were all born to shine? 
No one is more or less than the next person. 
Trying to be prove ourselves is the trappings of ego. 

The gift of freedom

Fear says " I need to hold onto my treasures (people, place, things)  
because there is something lacking in me that I can get from them.
Faith says "There is nothing I lack therefore I hold unto nothing"

Thursday, January 23, 2020


Where the soul and the heart meet
is where my home is...

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Creative healing

Is your story woven with acts of kindness, courage, and faith? Or are your pages filled with fear, doubt, worry, and unworthiness? If you could write a new script, would you be the hero in your story? Would you stand up for what you believe in, being humble and fierce at the same time? Would unconditional love be your greatest achievement? Would you throw away the tarnished mirror of your past? Would you be a warrior for truth? Would you let go of shallow living and youthful arrogance? Would you meet every day with open arms, trusting what life hands you?

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

A few of my favorite things

There may come a time when we realize there are certain behaviors we need to throw into the fire, and other qualities that we desire to focus and build on. A few of the positive things are humility, honesty, patience, authenticity, appreciation, compassion, flexibility, a loving relationship with ourselves, an open mind and a conscience so loud that we can't ignore it...

Accepting what is

When we stop wishing for things to be different,
when we cease our useless attempts to control,
when we stop struggling against the flow of life,
we discover a deep sense of peace and freedom...

Monday, January 20, 2020

A new chapter

We have all come to crossroads in our lives where a fallen limb has blocked our path. 
It's the Universe's way of pointing us in a different direction. Sometimes we fear change so deeply though, that we put all our effort into climbing over the limb rather than choosing a new path. But in giving our power to fear, we miss the next beautiful plan that life has in store for us...

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Surrendering to what is

When we align ourselves with God, there will be nothing to pray for.
 No need to pray for things to go our way. That is ego's strategy. 

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Taking flight

One day pain and sorrow will be nothing 
but wings to fly with...

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Being honest with ourselves

Without faith and spiritual guidance, we're like children who have lost their way in the forest. We go through life feeling anxious, doubtful, clingy, and afraid. We attempt to manage fear by depending on others for our sense of security or we numb ourselves. Though our ways don't work, we're too proud to ask for guidance or admit that we need help. Self-will only leads us deeper into the forest...

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Path to wholeness

 I have devoured self-help books, listened to inspirational tapes, attended motivational conferences, and other such things, Though these props never healed me, they did awaken  parts of me, broadened my awareness, and gave me support  and guidance as I worked on my issues... 

Monday, January 13, 2020

A fresh start

There came a time when I had to surrender my old ideas about happiness. 
I learned that external happiness doesn't last and it put me in the position of 
relying on people, places, and things to fulfill me. To be truly happy, 
I knew I had to detach from my attachments... 

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Baby steps forward

I spent a large portion of my life disconnected from myself emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Today, spirituality has become one of the biggest components to my life. Physically, I listen to my body. I love to stretch, walk, and practice yoga. These changes didn't come easy. I was stubborn, but now understand that I was afraid of change and loss of control. It took a lot of painful lessons to awaken the sleeping parts of myself. Years of learning to surrender my will, my rigid ideas, my unhealthy behaviors...

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Cleaning our inner house

Most of us don't like feeling uncomfortable. We tend to ignore the inner voice that beckons our attention. There comes a day though, when life begins to feel noticeably heavy. Some call it depression. I see it as a wake-up call. A time to do some soul cleansing. We aren't designed to carry around old baggage. When it piles too high, it chokes the joy out of living... 

Feet firmly planted

Living with conviction means having the courage to 
stand by what you know to be true...

Friday, January 10, 2020

Loving what is

Life is always blessing us with gifts but we often miss them.
We think things should look a certain way instead of realizing
that what is happening now is the gift, no matter what 
the situation appears to be. ..

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Morning prayer

Thank you God, for another day that I can serve you by making a difference 
in someone else's life and at the same time, continue to work on improving my own. 
I am committed to the process of change so that I may grow into all you
would have me be. I trust that today you will bring me the perfect circumstances 
to help me...

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Pure love

We will only try to change someone if we have an unconscious belief that there is something lacking in us that we can get from them. The truth is, we already have everything we need. When we give up stories of lack, truth will seep into our soul 
and the love we will offer others will be unconditional...

Free of ego

Picture yourself as a woman whose life is founded on wisdom and truth.
Clearness of mind has liberated her from the illusions of the world
and fulfilled her desire for freedom...

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Heart wide open

Love is not about choosing who we give our affections to. 
It's about living with an open heart; a heart free of judgement.
Often the hardest people to love are our best teachers...

Monday, January 6, 2020

Creating goodness

Picture yourself as a woman who has created a life 
that is colorful, soulful, joyful...

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Feeling our feelings

Open the door to your feelings.
Treat them all as a dear friend.
Joy, sorrow, hurt, disappointment...
are all part of being alive.

Infinitely wonderful

Picture yourself as a woman who is creative, fearless, thoughtful, optimistic, 
and take takes delight in even the simplest of things...

Picture yourself as a woman who has faced her past, healed her wounds, 
found inner peace, and set the bar high for her future (infinite possibilities)

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Fierce grace

Grace doesn't always come in ways we would expect. 
When we experience an act of kindness from someone 
right at the moment we're in need of it, we know it's grace.
 But there is also the kind of grace that comes from being broken open. 
This can mean illness, loss, divorce... Sometimes we aren't willing to change 
until we've been brought to our knees. When grace is fierce, 
it smashes through our denial. Before grace, we were captive to fear, 
masking it with behaviors such as pridefulness, rigidness... 
After grace, we soften. We become more open-hearted and relinquish 
self-defeating behaviors...