Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Don't stuff your feelings

 I used to be good at stuffing my feelings.

I learned to do it so well that I lost sight of what my true feelings were.

 I ignored, minimized or made excuses for people whose behavior impacted me negatively.

I shoved my own feelings away.

I know why I did this.

It was my need for approval and acceptance from others.

I was afraid of being alone!

I was afriad of not being loved!

I felt unworthy so I settled for less than I deserved!

I have been unkind to myself and have recently made an amends for it.
My amends to myself is that I will no longer ignore my feelings.
If something feels wrong, then it is.
My feelings are valuable! I will honor them!


Since I got sick I haven't been taking any photos. But I'm starting to feel antsy. Feeling much better now so it won't be long before my camera case will be swinging on my shoulder.


Friendship with ones self is all important,
because without it
one cannot be friends
with anyone else in the world.

 Eleanor Roosevelt


"I will trust my feelings"