Thursday, February 9, 2012

Promises to myself

It's been weeks since I've done any new artwork. I took a needed break.
 But now I'm feeling that longing urge to create something again. 


Over the years, I have made many promises to myself.

As I continue to improve on self-care, I have to let go of the things that don't work anymore.

And build on what does.

Here are my newest promises:

I promise myself that...

I will not invest myself in relationships with people who are emotional unavailable..tricking myself into thinking if I am kind and patient with them, they will change...when people show me who they are, I'll believe them.

Eat healthier...listening carefully to my body...give up night more medicating my feelings with food.

Being resourceful...using what I have instead of buying...mindful spending...exchanging lack thinking for gratitude.

No more people pleasing...being honest and a kind manner...standing in my truth...allowing others to stand in theirs.

This year is about freedom. The freedom to be all that we can create the best life reach our dreams and find lasting peace and happiness.


Looks yummy, right? Colors make me feel...


Your task is not to seek for love,
but merely to seek and find all of the barriers within yourself
that you have built against it.

~ A Course in Miracles ~


                            "I am whole"