Sunday, February 5, 2012

Letting go of clutter

Being home recuperating the last couple of weeks has given me the opportunity to de-clutter my home. I've been carefully going through every drawer, closet and cupboard; organizing and getting rid of everything that isn't useful. I'm only holding on to things I need or treasure. Everything else goes to Goodwill. More freedom! More letting go! What a gift! 

One of the best investments I made this year was buying a Nook. At first I was resistant to owning anymore more technology, but then decided to give it a try. I've been an avid reader all my life. I have more books than I need and no more space for new ones. The problem is solved with my new Nook. I don't need to buy any more books. In fact, today I'm cleaning out my bookshelf and donating part of them to the library. Another way to lighten up my life!

The lifestyle I chose for myself today is simple...practical...comfortable...resourceful (I don't like waste)...environmentally friendly...mindful...helpful...peaceful.

It had just finishing raining so you can still see tiny drops of water holding on to the foliage. Taken on a walk in my neighborhood.


There is hope
if people will begin to awaken
that spiritual part of themselves...
...we are caretakers of this planet.
~ Brooke Medicine Eagle ~


"I am open to learning new ways that will improve my life"