I used to love taking
photographs of colorful little beach cottages. I'd fantasize what it
would be like to live in one. It hasn't happened yet. I'm not sure if it's even
a dream anymore. I feel very content where I'm at. But it was fun at the
It took me a long time to figure out that my core belief "I am not enough" was the driving force behind a lot of my poor decision making throughout my life. Not feeling good enough caused me to push myself in ways such as giving too much, doing too much, always overcompensating.
But no matter what I did or achieved, it never quieted the critical voice in me.
Yuck!!!! I was so mean to myself.
Today I feel differently. My value as a human being has nothing to do with what I do for others, my achievements, or how perfect I do things. Being enough is loving and accepting who I am.
Try dying every day to your old self . . .
so that you emerge renewed and young again...
Kristin Zambucka
"I love and accept myself"