Friday, April 12, 2013

She lived life to the fullest

From the hidden chambers of her heart,

she touched both her greatest sorrow

and the deepest love.

She stopped hiding

the raw parts of herself,

allowing herself to vulnerable .


FYI- I am offering an introductory class regrading my upcoming workshop "The Mastery of Love",  as well as, a new support group for women called "Growing Our Wings". This introductory class will be a time for questions and sharing.

Where: Mystic See on Dearborn in Englewood
 Date: Thurs. April 18th
Cost: $10
Please pre-register at #473-3816.
It's my personal belief that in order for our lives to change and transform, we have to examine ourselves so we can begin to let go of the things that no longer work such as old beliefs, thoughts, patterns...

Hope to see you next week.


"It is safe to be "real' with others"