Friday, June 21, 2013

Feeling loveable

Love may not always look like you think it should.
That doesn't mean though, that you're not loved. 
Love is everywhere in your life.
It comes in many forms.

Keep in mind that people put forth their best efforts.
Your part is to open your heart to the love that's offered,
letting go of  judgment or feelings of lack.

You may block love for fear of rejection.
You may feel undeserving.
This is your remove these blocks.
Practice being more open.
Take more risks.
 Know that you are a wonderful human being.


“Fear of being a flawed person lay at the root of my trance, and I had sacrificed many moments over the years in trying to prove my worth. ...I inhabited a self-made prison that stopped me from living fully.” 
― Tara Brach
