Saturday, November 1, 2014

Inventing a better life

If you cease your busyness and become still, you will discover the things you have been running from…the things that continually cause an inner disturbance that push you towards fleeing, in the attempt to unconsciously outrun your own conscience.
When you’re not aligned with truth, it will cause suffering and lead to bad habits and circumstances. Basically, what I’m saying is addiction is the escape hatch people use to quiet their pain. It might be alcohol, food, fixing others, shopping, tv, drama and chaos, working. The list goes on…….
Most people are addicted to something (if you think that you are not one of those people, stop lying to yourself) and are using addiction as a way out rather than change. I understand!!! Change isn’t easy!!! We live in a world that promotes instant gratification (which is another addiction), so it’s no wonder we’ve learned to take the wrong path. And what about your children and grandchildren who are watching you do this? They too, will unknowingly reach for what they’ve been conditioned to do, just as we were conditioned.
To create a better future, you must seek a better way. You have to learn how to listen to your gut and follow your intuition rather than shut it off. You have to clean out the past rather than deny it's affecting you. You have to be willing to open your mind to new understandings rather than play-out your old destructive thoughts patterns and behaviors. Question all your beliefs!! Question all the crazy thoughts that your mind is continually inventing to entertaining you!!
I feel the chaos and sorrow of the world we live in. I can’t ignore that Truth. We all can make a difference in the world. We start with connecting to ourselves and aligning with doing what's right..