Friday, December 16, 2011

Life is like a box of chocolates

 We won't reach our full potential by playing it SAFE.
 Taking risks, grows strong wings.


Oh, how wonderful those days of feeling peaceful are. But then it's gone again. Reaching to grab it back, it slips through my fingers. Often, it's when I'm focused on a task, relentlessly pushing myself to get it done. My determination steals my serenity. How I wish I could see the train wreck coming. But I don't til I'm completely frazzled, shaking my head like a bobble doll, wondering how I landed here again.

Another thief who runs off with my serenity is self-doubt. I start by second-guessing myself. One minute I'm riding the big wave in Maui, feeling all self-assured. And the next, I'm drowning in the undertow of insecurity. What the hell happened? How did I, for MILLION-TH time, allow stinky old negative thinking to feed off my vulnerability? My friend calls it "kicking the dog when it's already down".

 How clever and patient the ego is, waiting for the perfect opportunity to slip back in and suck me into a cesspool of lies. Once more, I've been slimed.

 It's humbling to admit how easily I lose footing. And though I'm grateful for self-awareness, I can't be attached to it. It's here, then gone again. Stumbling, falling, and crawling, is part of the journey.
As Forest Gump would say "life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get".

                                Photographing nature successfully quiets the chatter in my head.


 A woman of substance is aware of her flaws and weaknesses,
and is strong enough to admit them.

"I surrender my fears, to live more deeply"