Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The threads of your heart (friendships)

It's not always easy to get dragonfly pictures. These little guys are fast...but I am patient...and my patience paid off. I love the color of this one...a shimmering bronze.


After a short break from blogging, I'm sitting with my computer on my lap writing...
I missed's a part of my morning feeds my creative spirit
and my love for inspiring women.


Recently I took a closer look at some of my friendships that had been troubling me. I had been ignoring my feelings of hurt and disappointment for a long time, so I made a decision to say goodbye to was really hurt...but it was the right thing to do.

There was an inner voice that had been whispering to me "let go". But my heart was invested, so I held on...I was afraid...I ignored my intuition...until I couldn't was an act of love (for myself) which gave me the courage to release them.

One of things I've worked hard on is having healthier boundaries. In the past, I've been guilty of giving more than receiving. Giving comes easier.

When I talk about giving and receiving, I'm referring to an exchange of love. When I give my love to someone whose heart is closed, I set myself up for future problems.

This is a trap I want to avoid. I'm going to do my best in the future to make careful choices.

To have a healthy friendship, there has to be a respectful exchange of energy.

I know that some people come into our lives for only a season. And each one is as precious and valuable as the lessons they bring with them. I am grateful for every teacher/friend that has blessed my life. Now it's time to move forward; surrounding myself with loving, supportive friends.
No more ignoring red flags; fooling myself into thinking people will change.
When someone shows you who they are, believe them.


      As a rose cant live
      without the rain
     So a heart can't love
        without risk of pain
         Author Unknown ~

"I am worthy"