Thursday, March 14, 2013

Fear of rejection

It's interesting how I spent a great deal of my life trying to be a good person. I was raised with the belief that good little girls will get love and acceptance.
 Well, that belief just isn't true. If I'm trying too hard to be nice, people will take advantage of me because I have poor boundaries. Second of all, I always felt like an impostor anyways. Actually, I was an impostor. I would do things for others that didn't feel right for me. I was being false because of my need for acceptance.

The good news is the impostor is gone. What I do for others today comes from a genuine place. I don't seek love or approval anymore. I don't have to. Love is everywhere. It always was. But I was blinded by fear...fear of rejection...fear of being alone. The wounded child in me has healed. The fear is gone.
Seek not to change the world, but choose to change your mind about the world.
What you see reflects your thinking.
Course in Miracles
"There is nothing I need to do to earn love"