Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Becoming teachable

Self-help books are good tools in the sense that they inspire us to want to change and they offer us new ideas. But opening our mind is only the first stage of change. Just because you understand something intellectually doesn't mean that you've got it. You have to take these concepts and have a personal experience with them. This is difficult unless you have someone who has already done this work, helping you.

One of the most difficult things to do is to change core beliefs ("I am unworthy", "money is scarce", "it's not safe to trust others"). Unless you pull the negative thought patterns up by the roots, nothing will change.  It's takes a lot of hard work to uproot these deeply embedded beliefs. Affirmations are helpful, but not enough. You will need help! Had I not been teachable, I would not be where I'm at today. My self-will and the choices it lead me to make caused a lot of my suffering. I had to be willing to release my pride, put my ego aside, and get help. Self-reliance is why so many people are stuck. Without support and guidance, you'll fall back in the well-worn groves of self-defeating behaviors and thoughts... 
