Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Change leads to transformation

Some of my greeting cards...
It's no secret that I'm a BIG advocate for self-improvement. I spent a great deal of my life stuck in misery...fearing change...carrying guilt and shame...having low self-esteem. Once I began to feel the benefits of working on myself, I was hooked. I developed a passion for it that has never diminished for the last 16 years.

It's not always easy or comfortable to look deeply and honestly at ourselves. At least not for me. I discovered things about myself that initially made me cringe. Once I stepped out of denial, I had to be willing to change those things. It helped me to become a better person. It boosted my self-esteem.

Sometimes we have to dig deep for the willingness to do what's right. But in doing so, we build more trust in ourselves; trust that we will do the right thing. And as most of us know, procrastination is painful and self-defeating!
Is there anything you'd like to improve on? Surrender to change and if you don't like the changes, I'll be happy to refund your misery.
 My office/meditation room
“Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it will bring back, a new life, a new friend, a new love...

― Anais Nin
"Change puts me on the path to transformation"