Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A turtle's pace

If you look close, you'll see little grains of sand (very tiny) that add texture to the paint.
There are so many interesting things to play with in the creative world. There's a little girl in me who wants to try them all.


The last few days of being home have been soothing to my soul.
I'm going to take life slower.
No more pushing, achieving, cramming, driving myself...
I'm looking forward to learning to live deeper.
I'm letting go of my search for MORE..more of this, more of that..
I've learned this past week that I have everything I need.

What is your life pace? Is it too busy? What would you like to change?

Rememer this guy from one of my earlier blogs? I meet him in Shamrock Park.
I think he's living life right...


The best and most beautiful things in the world
cannot be seen nor touched
but are felt in the heart.

~ Helen Keller ~

"Let me just savor the moments"