Thursday, January 5, 2012

Loving yourself heals every problem

 On this cold morning, I decided to stay snuggled in my warm bed until 7:00. I'm so grateful for my cozy flannel sheets, my soft pink blanket and my cuddly cat, Pippi. 


The first woman author who had a huge impact on my life was Louise Hay. Her insightful teachings took me in a new direction at a time in my life when I had no direction. It has been transforming. I'd like to share some of her teachings with you. So it won't be overwhelming, I'll only offer one new thought each day. Here we go:

I have found that there is only one thing that heals every problem, and that is: to love yourself. When people start to love themselves more each day, it’s amazing how their lives get better. They feel better. They get the jobs they want. They have the money they need. Their relationships either improve, or the negative ones dissolve and new ones begin.
Loving yourself is a wonderful adventure..  Let’s begin to love ourselves now.

1. Stop All Criticism.
Criticism never changes a thing. Refuse to criticize yourself. Accept yourself exactly as you are.
                                                               Louise L. Hay


I never know what interesting creatures I'll meet when I venture out with my camera.

"I surrender my need to seek validation outside of myself
