Monday, January 9, 2012

The Tortoise and the Hare

Determination brings us closer to our dreams. Sometimes we have to look fear in the face
and say "I won't be listening to you anymore".


A funny thing happens when my life gets too busy.

A turtle shows up.

Remember Aesop's Fable: The Tortoise and The Hare 
This is a famous story of a race between the tortoise and the hare. It's best known for teaching us that "slow and steady wins the race." The foolish hare takes a nap during the race with the tortoise, and as a result the tortoise - who keeps plodding along, slow and steady - is able to reach the finish line first. He wins the race.

When I see a turtle, I'm reminded to slow down.
Do turtles show up in your life too?

We achieve our dreams by plodding along (like the tortise) rather than by being fast (like the hare).

I need reminding.
I often forget this important lesson.

hurry, push, faster... is not the way.


Met this big fella in Shamrock Park. He just came over to me as though we were old buddies.


Set your sights high, the higher the better.
Expect the most wonderful things to happen,
not in the future but right now.
Realize that nothing is too good...
~ Eileen Caddy ~


"Life is a series of little moments"