Monday, May 14, 2012

Learning and expanding

I love sharing articles like the one below. There was a time in my life when this kind of information would have challenged me; my thinking used to be very rigid (black and white, nothing in-between). One of ways I've grown is being more open-minded...letting go of my judgement...trying out new thoughts and ideas. It has changed my life! Today, I not only continue to work at expanding my consciousness, but I also love teaching others to do the same.


Life might have taught you that emotions are dangerous. Perhaps as a child, you were told things such as, “Don’t you cry or I’ll give you something to cry about!”—an emotionally tyrannical message that certainly would have taught you to suppress your feelings at all costs. Perhaps your emotions were ignored, minimized, or even laughed at by parents who had other things and other children to think about. What matters is that, for whatever reason, you learned at a very young age to neither honor nor even really feel your own feelings.

An emotion swept under the rug is not an emotion that goes away; it’s simply an emotion that is put somewhere other than where it should be put... stored within you rather than being released. If you’re too frightened to feel a feeling, its energy still has to go somewhere. Actually, an emotion is not dangerous until it’s disowned... The only feelings you really need to fear are those you ignore...

Marianne Williamson


"We do not see things as they are; we see things as we are."

-- Talmud


"I open my mind to new possibilites"