Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Having faith

Faith- a feeling of reassurance...
encouraging whispers of hope...
 despite appearances...
 it tells you things are OK...
 that there are reasons for where you are at.

Faith- believing in yourself...
that you are strong...
 even when you feel weak...
that you can do anything...
even when you feel incapable.

Faith- surrendering...
to the silent "knowing"...
trusting what is...
and where it's going...
believing in infinite possibilities.

Faith- a warm hug...
a feeling of being safe...
a strong belief...
in something Greater...
that is always working for your good.


He who has faith has...
an inward reservoir of courage,
hope, confidence, calmness,
and assuring trust that
all will come out well -
even though to the world it may appear
to come out most badly. 

B.C. Forbes


"I let go and trust"