Monday, July 9, 2012

The invisible dragon- shame

Shame: a painful emotion caused by a strong sense of guilt, embarrassment, or disgrace...
a feeling of unworthiness...a core belief that says "I'm not enough".

I felt shame from the time I was a little girl.
 I didn't understand why I felt shame...
 but I didn't ask questions or talk about it...
it was my secret.

I brought this secret with me into my adulthood.
being careful to hide it...
but it robbed me of so much.
When I could bear it no more...
I sought help....
and began to heal from it.

"A shame based person will guard against exposing his inner self to others, but more
significantly, he will guard against exposing himself to himself."-- John Bradshaw

I grew up in a shame-based home...
the shame was already there...
 before I was even born.

If we don't transform our wounds...
we will only continue to pass it on...
to the next generation and the next. 

"Toxic shame is most often multi-generational. Family secrets can go back many generations
and can be carried forward generation after generation. Since these secrets are kept hidden,
they never get worked out." -John Bradshaw


“The more we know about how we lost
our spontaneous wonder and creativity,
the more we can find ways to get them back.”

John Bradshaw


"I choose to liberate myself from the wounds of my past "