Friday, November 11, 2011

Expect a miracle

A new design

On Thurs. nights. in my home, I facilitate a women's empowerment group. I often give the girls exercises to practice throughout their week. Last night's topic was "avoidance". We discussed areas they've avoided dealing with such as guilt, self-care and their finances. I suggested they take a few quiet minutes every day to pray for the willingness to change. I told them to "expect a miracle". I've learned exercises like this one, although very simple, are very powerful. I'm looking forward to seeing what incredible things happen for them. And I'm going to practice it too.

Do you believe in the power of prayer? How about miracles? Try it for one week. See what happens. If it doesn't work out, I'll be happy to refund your misery.

My son Jeremy and his sweet girl, Salina


"I face my life with honestly"