Saturday, November 19, 2011

Fear makes me feel crazy

Sometimes when I'm creating, I find myself humming a song. "Oh my darling" was a song by grandfather sang to me as a little girl. I can still hear the little song and the sound of his voice.


I jumped out of bed this morning, excited to start writing my post for the day. However, when I opened to my blog site, it didn't work. I'm not well versed about computers, so fear shot through me like an arrow. No matter what I tried, I couldn't fix it. I felt my adrenaline rising and my head got foggy. It was time to step away. I've learned when I become afraid, my thinking gets cloudy and distorted and I can't make good decisions. It was best I let it go, calming myself first instead of  hitting buttons on the computer like a crazy woman. I've tried that before, ending up in a worse situation. So I did, and here I am writing my post. How did I fix it? Something to do with cookie browser, whatever that is. For the moment, fear did not get the best of me. I won this round.

Have you ever noticed how fear distorts your thinking? Do you work yourself into a frenzy when you're afraid? Practice stepping away, breathe deeply, say a little prayer, and wait for it to pass.


Making a heart connection with a mushroom.


 The two hardest things to handle in life are failure and success. Anonymous

"My faith is always more powerful than fear"