Thursday, November 17, 2011

Owning your feelings

Can you find the upside down heart in the background? 


It's not so hard anymore to let myself be angry, but it once was. I was raised to be a good little girl. Yikes. Did that ever set me up for future problems. I spent a lifetime denying my anger, shoving it way down in my gut. And by the way, anger doesn't magically disappear when you shove it down, it just accumulates. I was in such denial that I had unresolved anger until the day I found it. Who would have thought finding my anger would turn out to be such a beautiful gift. Releasing it felt empowering. I reclaimed my right as a human to be angry. It's a natural emotion, but in denying myself the right to it, I had given my power away to become a door mat in my attempt to be a nice girl. Not only was I a door mat for others to walk on, but I added shame to my list because nice girls don't screw up. And don't you know, I screwed up a whole bunch. So then I carried shame along with buried anger. No wonder my life felt so heavy. Not anymore though. No shame, no unresolved anger and no more being a door mat. 

Do you tend to stuff your feelings? Are you carrying around old baggage? Give yourself a nice Christmas gift this year by being your authentic self, anger and all. 

Capturing a special moment


What a wonderful life I've had! I only wish I'd realized it sooner. ~Colette

"I am free to express my feelings"